
What Is Emotional Health?

Emotional health is a critical component of overall well-being that refers to one’s ability to manage their emotions in a manner that promotes physical, mental, and social health. Emotional health is often confused with mental health, but they are not the same. While mental health encompasses all aspects of psychological well-being, emotional health is specifically…


Recognizing OCD Behaviors

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can disrupt daily life and cause significant distress for individuals. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options available to help manage symptoms and improve overall quality of life. OCD treatment services in Seattle, Washington, help people in ways that differ from depression treatment in Washington. If you are struggling with OCD,…

mental health therapy types

4 Types of Mental Health Therapies

Mental health therapy is a valuable tool in managing and treating mental health conditions. It provides individuals with a safe space to explore their emotions and thoughts while learning effective coping strategies. However, finding the right program can be challenging since there are many mental health therapy types. If you live in Massachusetts, there are…

The Science Behind Seasonal Depression

The winter months can be difficult for everyone. Shorter days, colder weather and changes in routine can bring on seasonal depression. While some may think seasonal depression is a made-up term to define the “holiday blues,” it is a mental health disorder affected by seasonal change. Luckily, there are programs to treat seasonal affective disorder…

6 Ways to Help You Overcome Social Anxiety

In today’s world, social anxiety is increasingly common. Many people living with social anxiety aren’t aware there are treatment programs to help them identify triggers and cope in social situations. A social anxiety treatment plan with a qualified therapist can help people overcome their social anxiety and thrive. If you or someone in your life…

Most Common ADHD Symptoms in Adults

Many people associate attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, with children. It’s true that ADHD is commonly diagnosed in kids, but it also affects many adults worldwide. ADHD’s wide variety of symptoms can make it difficult to recognize and treat, especially in adults. However, that doesn’t mean that there’s no chance of help or recovery. ADHD…

What Is the Proper Treatment for a Personality Disorder?

A person’s personality is a combination of characteristics, beliefs, and behavior styles that make them unique. Their perceptions of the world, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes are part of that personality. Personality grows more consistent with age but does not ever become fixed. Accounting for nearly 10% of the U.S. population, individuals with personality disorders have…