The Science Behind Seasonal Depression

The winter months can be difficult for everyone. Shorter days, colder weather and changes in routine can bring on seasonal depression. While some may think seasonal depression is a made-up term to define the “holiday blues,” it is a mental health disorder affected by seasonal change. Luckily, there are programs to treat seasonal affective disorder…

Where to Find Depression Therapy Near Huntington Beach, CA

The feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and emptiness that depression causes can be debilitating. Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in everyone, from children and teens to adults. It can interfere with daily life and significantly impact a person’s health, relationships, school, and career. However, mental health treatment is available and can…

The Best Things You Can Do for Your Seasonal Depression

Like all forms of depression, seasonal depression is as unique as the millions of people whom it affects. This can make it challenging to identify the disorder in yourself or a loved one. Unfortunately, untreated seasonal depression rarely gets better on its own. Seasonal depression can affect every facet of a person’s life, including work…

Finding Affordable and Accessible Depression Treatment

As debilitating as depression is, it can impact every part of a person’s life. Relationships falter and day-to-day tasks become difficult. A depression treatment center offers support to those dealing with this diagnosis. At Virtues Behavioral Health, we are here to help you find affordable, accessible treatment. Our mental health treatment center may be more…

The Benefits of Holistic Treatment for Mental Health Conditions

Does the idea of public speaking tie your stomach up in knots? Do sweet words from loved ones leave you with a lump in your throat? Have you ever worried yourself sick? If so, then you’ve experienced the power of the mind-body connection. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, the relationship between…

The Facts about Depression (Infographic)

Depression affects your mental health as well as your physical health. The symptoms of depression can have a negative impact on motivation and happiness, and the negative thoughts and moods can fuel self-medication with drugs and alcohol that can turn into an addiction. The reality of depression reveals the importance of a depression treatment program for…

Getting Help for the Signs of Depression

The signs of depression can be subtle or very obvious, depending on the person and the factors surrounding their mental health. Additionally, some people struggle with depression more than others, because they have a more severe form of it, or it’s more persistent or chronic. It’s normal to feel depressed or sad sometimes, but if…